Our ‘Health and WASH thematic area, addresses critical issues related to public health, water, sanitation, and hygiene, with a special focus on improving access to essential healthcare services and ensuring clean water and sanitation for all. By integrating health system strengthening, hygiene behavior promotion, and infrastructure development, this thematic area focusses to improve health outcomes and build resilient communities.
Key Highlights:
● Health System Strengthening: Our projects like the Health System Strengthening (HSS) and Postpartum Family Planning (PPFP) improve maternal and child health services, enhance healthcare facilities, and strengthen community-facility linkages.
● Public Health Initiatives: Our Programs like the Tuberculosis Control Program and Intensified Active Case Detection (IACD) Project work toward the elimination of diseases like TB and malaria by focusing on prevention, detection, and treatment in high-risk communities.
● WASH Infrastructure and Behavior Change: Our projects such as the WASH Innovation 3R Demonstration and Safe Water for Poor Rural Community of Southern Terai Project has ensured clean water access, promote hygiene practices, and create sustainable WASH systems in schools, health facilities, and households.
● Emergency and Pandemic Response: We remain alert in any type of health crisis in the community and remain prepared to respond. Projects like the COVID-19 Emergency Response and Recovery Assistance (CERA) and Emergency Public Health Intervention for COVID-19 (EPHIC) provided critical support during the pandemic, including vaccination drives, hygiene kits, and medical equipment for healthcare facilities.
● Nutrition and Hygiene Promotion: Our programs like the Improvement of Hygiene Behavior in Schools and Health Care Facilities (IHBSH) and Strengthening Newborn Nutrition and Essential Health Care Interventions (SNEHI) are examples which address malnutrition and promote hygiene and breastfeeding practices to improve health outcomes for women and children.